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Early Impact Assessment of Executive Orders on Corporate Citizenship Initiatives: Part Two

Thoughtful insights from ֱCCC Executive Director, Katherine Valvoda Smith, on the paralle...

Early Impact Assessment of Executive Orders on Corporate Citizenship Initiatives: Part One

The first days of the Trump administration have yielded a plethora of executive orders... ...

Profile of the Professionals 2024

This research examines the roles, responsibilities, development, and compensation of corpo...

California announces new regulation to combat indoor heat illness

In July 2024, the California Department of Industrial Relations announced new indoor heat ...

EU Artificial Intelligence Act goes into effect

The European Union’s landmark AI Act went into effect on August 1, 2024.

New carbon oxide utilization guidance for taxpayers

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of Treasury released updated utilization...

Nebraska releases new AI guidance

Nebraska has become the 13th and most recent state to adopt AI guidance. Nebraska’s guidan...

From the Corner Office

Leaders from FedEx share business strategies and the ways in which staying true to core va...

Lost and Found in Translation: Globalization and the Emergence of CSR Narratives

RESEARCH BRIEF - Globalization of firm activities raises the bar for ESG disclosure.

OSHA institutes new “walkaround rule”

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) instituted a new “walkaround rule...

UN adopts landmark AI resolution

The United Nations (UN) General Assembly unanimously adopted the first global resolution o...

WEBINAR: Mental Health for CSR Professionals

WEBINAR: Re-watch this webinar to better understand your feelings of stress and/or burnout...